Partnerships & Funding Guidelines
The Grad Network
The Grad Network is the hub of Jewish life for Columbia University graduate, professional, post-bac, and postdoc students. The organization is dedicated to building Jewish community among Columbia University students, as well as connecting students to Jewish experiences, both locally and nationally, that would be personally meaningful. The Grad Network is a pluralistic organization and operates in response to the needs, interests, goals, curiosities, and customs of its community members. The Grad Network programs are informed by students’ known interests, questions, and practices. As an affiliate of both Columbia/Barnard Hillel and Columbia University, The Grad Network’s policies, specifically regarding Covid-19 and alcohol consumption, align with those of Hillel International and the University.
The Grad Network Partnership Guidelines
To better support the varied interests of the Columbia Jewish student population, The Grad Network collaborates with New York-based Jewish organizations and Columbia graduate student organizations. These partnerships expand the type of experiences offered, increase engagement, and allow for resource sharing. Resources refer to professional skills, funds, space, knowledge, and relationships. The Director of The Grad Network welcomes Columbia graduate student organization leaders to meet for coffee to brainstorm ways to work together in support of Columbia Jewish students and to develop programs jointly.
Funding Requests Process
While The Grad Network is happy to share monetary resources with Columbia graduate students, The Grad Network is not solely a funding source, but rather a relationship-based community. Therefore, programs funded by The Grad Network should reflect a collaboration with the organization and be informed by the expressed needs of the intended audience.
Both individual students with a great program idea and Columbia University recognized graduate student groups are invited to partner with us. When requesting funds from The Grad Network, prospective partners should indicate the ways in which their program expands the type of Jewish experiences available to Columbia graduate students, grows community engagement, responds to the needs of the intended audience, and/or results in a sharing of resources.
To submit a funding request, complete The Grad Network Funding Request Form at least two weeks prior to your event.